[Templates] soaplite

darren chamberlain dlc@users.sourceforge.net
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 16:30:22 -0500

* Mark Proctor <m.proctor@bigfoot.com> [2003-01-21 15:44]:
> I'm having problems using soaplite with template toolkit. I've run the
> example code below for illustration purpses. If I remove the code
> between the  comments the template processes fine. If  I put the soap
> stuff back in, there are no errors, but no output either, the soap call
> returns the correct value - I have tried a string as a third parameter,
> that also is blank.

Does that code run fine without being preceded by the template stuff?


The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting; it has been
found difficult and left untried.
    -- G. K. Chesterton