[Templates] Carp error

darren chamberlain dlc@users.sourceforge.net
Thu, 2 Jan 2003 16:06:33 -0500

* Tim Dolezal <tdolezal@ces-inc.cc> [2003-01-02 15:39]:
> I am trying to get my first template up and I keep getting a
> "Template::Exception at C:/Perl/lib/CGI/Carp.pm line 301." error. 

I see a couple of problems with the template:

> Name - [% name %]
> [% FOREACH ibo = ibos %]

ibos is a reference to a hash, not an array.  I think you want:

  [% FOREACH ibo = ibos.keys %]

and then each access would be ibos.$ibo.IBONumber,
ibos.$ibo.UplineIBONumber, and so on.

>  [% ibo.IBONumber %] [% ibo.UplineIBONumber %] [% ibo.IBOActive %] [%
> ibo.IBOPin %] [% ibo.FirstName %] [% ibo.MI %] [% ibo.LastName %] [%
> ibo.SpouseType %] [% ibo.CreateDate %] [% ibo.ModifyDate %] [%
> ibo.ModifiedBy

Is this a transcription error, or an error in the template?

> [% END %]


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invention, with the possible exceptions of handguns and Tequila.
    -- Mitch Ratcliffe