[Templates] [RFC] Template::Plugin::MP3

darren chamberlain dlc@users.sourceforge.net
Tue, 5 Nov 2002 22:42:22 -0500

As I found myself creating several directories full of HTML files for my
MP3 collection, I realized that I needed Template::Plugin::MP3, so I
wrote it.  It's a wrapper around Pudge's MP3::Info (read-only access,

Basic usage is straightforward:

  [% USE songfile = MP3("Camarillo_Brillo.mp3") %]

  Artist: [% songfile.artist %]
  Title: [% songfile.title %]
  Album: [% songfile.album %]
  Track: [% songfile.tracknum %]
  Running Time: [% songfile.time %]

And so on.  Comments?


An idea is not responsible for the people who believe in it.