[Templates] Possible problem w/ Stash
Drew Taylor
Wed, 27 Mar 2002 15:24:32 -0500
And to reply to my own post, I forgot the environment. 5.00503 for
Apache/1.3.22 (Unix) mod_perl/1.26. I'm running w/ Apache::Reload on as well.
At 03:12 PM 3/27/02 -0500, Drew Taylor wrote:
>I'm finishing up an application here at work and I'm running into a
>problem getting data to print. The 10,000 foot overview is that I have a
>template where some data is output, and some is not. The top half of the
>form works properly, but the bottom does not. I've tried w/ 2.06 (w & w/o
>XS stash), and 2.06f (w & w/o XS stash). It does the exact same behavior
>in all conditions. Help! It doesn't make any sense. Also, it doesn't
>matter if I compile templates.