[Templates] Views

Tony Bowden tony-tt@kasei.com
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 16:10:40 +0000

I've gradually been adding more and more abstractions to my templates,
pulling out repeated elements in a template into blocks, then pulling
out repeated blocks across many templates into other INLCUDEd templates.
Then setting up MACROs to tidy that up more. And now I'm looking at

I read the manual on them (mostly in terms of the 'skins' approach,
rather than dealing with data structures etc..) But there's somthing I
don't quite get. I can almost grasp what's going on, but it keeps dancing
just out of reach. I've had a look at the examples, but it didn't really
help too much :(

Can anyone give any examples of things they've actually done with VIEWs
that might help me understand what I'm missing?

