[Templates] creating dynamic hidden fields in templates
Brian Clarkson
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 13:13:02 -0600
Mark Mills wrote:
> > > [% cgi.hidden( Name => 'section' ).list.join %]
> You know, rather than do the above, which irked me, I did the following:
> $Template::Stash::SCALAR_OPS->{ join } = sub { return shift; };
> Which adds a nice join method to the scalar and thus saved my sanity. =)
> Maybe you'll like that more? It returns a proper undef when the scalar is undef, rather than an empty list being passed to join so that may help CGI avoid your empty hidden field issue.
> Worth trying anyway. =)
that's an interesting idea.... i assume this would be inserted in the processing code, after object construction and before template processing?