[Templates] stonehenge.com cutting over to Template from Mason
Stas Bekman
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 10:50:36 +0800
Randal L. Schwartz wrote:
> I've long been wanting to get out of Mason and into Template for
> www.stonehenge.com. My current hosting solution is showing signs of
> final fatality, so I've signed up for a nice box from sprocketdata.com
> (who have been wonderful to work with so far, by the way). Since I'm
> moving to a new place, I figured I'd use this chance to get everything
> rehacked in Template as I wish now.
Randal, check the DocSet project I'm working on for the new mod_perl site.
Most likely this is something that you want.
Here is what you get (this is a work in progress):
from a simple collection of pod and html files.
Currently the rendering is based on TT2 templates, but Gerald Richter
has started working on extending it for embperl and may be other
rendering toolkits. Originally we started using Splash, but eventually
we didn't need it. But since it's just a collection of templates, it's
not an issue.
The goal of this project is zero maintenance time, coupled with the best
using experience.
When this site goes live I'll release the code on CPAN. Now it's
available from http://www.apache.org/~stas/DocSet-0.10.tar.gz but I'm
going to release a new version as soon as Andy releases a new version of
Pod::POM. One of the reasons I haven't released DocSet on CPAN yet, is
that I'm not sure about the name of the package.
If you want to look at the sources (and build it yourself) use the cvs
http://icarus.apache.org/snapshots/modperl-docs/ or check out the
repository anonymously:
-d :pserver:anoncvs@cvs.apache.org:/home/cvspublic modperl-docs
If you have any problems/questions feel free to ask me. There is also a
mailing list: template-docset {at} tt2.org
Stas Bekman JAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker
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