On Nov 11, 2012 3:17 AM, "Stephen Worthington" <<a href="mailto:stephen_agent@jsw.gen.nz">stephen_agent@jsw.gen.nz</a>> wrote:<br>
> On Sat, 10 Nov 2012 17:32:58 +1300, you wrote:<br>
> >Anyone got anything startlingly good or bad to say about GT520 nvidia cards<br>
> >for NZ conditions. Conversations about them on the main mailing list seem<br>
> >to focus on possible problems vdpau advanced 2x deinterlacing 1080i60<br>
> >because of the framerate but "it should be OK in PAL countries".<br>
> ><br>
> >SO before I commit to a purchase, are there any view one way or the other?<br>
> If there are problems at 60 Hz, then if you are wanting to play back<br>
> any 60 Hz files (eg NTSC DVDs or downloaded files), you will get those<br>
> problems.<br>
<p>Well ntsc dvds won't be high definition so that shouldn't take it anywhere near its limit. Downloaded files (assuming I would have such files) are generally already deinterlaced. </p>
<p>Ah well I bought it and will report back. <br></p>
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