Correction, It appears it was my 9400 with 512MB that came with my the component out cable :-(
<p>Quoting Douglas Pearless <>:</p>
<blockquote type="cite">
<p>Save yourself some hassles and get a fast GPU (I skipped 8xxxs series), go for a GT2XX card.</p>
<p>I use a GT220, I think mine came with a component out cable (Asus card), but I use HDMI.</p>
<p>Quoting Rama Madhusudhan <>:</p>
<blockquote type="cite">Hi,<br /><br />I am currently using nvidia 7200 video card which has component out, but for VDPAU I would like to go for 8xxx card. Does anyone know which nvidia card have component out and VDPAU support? Any advice will be helpful.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Rama<br /></blockquote><br />
</blockquote><br />