Hi All,<br><br>Recently I decided I also wanted to watch some channels on Optus D2, so did some research and decided to go for a Dual-LNB setup, which apparently works with a standard sky dish (receive D1 and D2 without a motor). See <a href="http://www.ultrapower.co.nz/dual_ku_band_lnbf.html">http://www.ultrapower.co.nz/dual_ku_band_lnbf.html</a>. The guy sells them for $39 incl posting (Akl). It's a Zinwell multi Universal Ku band LNBF using Diseqc for switching between LNB.<br>
<br>So I've installed one, It works although I have quite poor reception on D2 though.<br><br>I have initially connected it to a FTA STB I had lying around as it gives better signal strength info. So with that box I've confirmed my dish is working.<br>
<br>I have problems with getting it to work in MythTV though (I had it working fine with my Standard sky dish LNB). In the Diseqc setup menu of mythttv setup I've removed my exising LNB and added a "Switch", with 2 ports. Each of these ports having a "LNB" underneath them configured to be "Universal (Europe)". The frequencies correspond with the one of the LNB.<br>
<br>When searching for channels I get no result though, none for D1 and none for D2, I've tried multiple combnations (trying freeview transponder frequencies on D2 and D1) just to check if somehow the diseqc switching is not done properly.<br>
<br>I took one step back and used "dvbtune" and "scan" with mixed result. scan had no luck at all, but dvbtune does get a lock on freeview. I am not sure which one is "lower level" though.<br>
<br>Does someone have a similar setup working? I have the feeling it's the Diseqc switching as I see quite a few reports on internet forums with problems.<br><br>See here my dvbtune output, any hints welcome.<br><br><br>
innopvr:~ # dvbtune -f 12456 -s 22500 -p h -D 1<br>Using DVB card "Conexant CX24123/CX24109", freq=12456<br>tuning DVB-S to Freq: 1856000, Pol:H Srate=22500000, 22kHz tone=off, LNB: 1<br>DISEQC SETTING SUCCEDED<br>
Getting frontend status<br>Event: Frequency: 12456000<br> SymbolRate: 22500000<br> FEC_inner: 3<br><br>Bit error rate: 0<br>Signal strength: 63744<br>SNR: 65284<br>FE_STATUS:<br><br><br><br><br> tuning DVB-S to Freq: 1883000, Pol:H Srate=22500000, 22kHz tone=off, LNB: 1<br>
DISEQC SETTING SUCCEDED<br>Getting frontend status<br>Event: Frequency: 12483000<br> SymbolRate: 22500000<br> FEC_inner: 3<br><br>Bit error rate: 0<br>Signal strength: 63744<br>SNR: 64330<br>FE_STATUS:<br>
<br><br>vbstream -f 12483 -s 22500 -p h -D 1 -v 1920 | mplayer<br><br><br>Cheers,<br>Johan Schuld<br>