[mythtvnz] New channels happening from March 21st

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sun Mar 20 18:40:27 GMT 2022

On Sun, 20 Mar 2022 20:49:14 +1300, you wrote:

>On Sun, 20 Mar 2022 19:18:20 +1300, you wrote:
>>>Also, you will need to get EPG for the new channels.  So after the
>>channel scan you will need to edit them and add an xmltvid that
>>matches your EPG source.  I get my FreeviewHD EPG using mhegepgsnoop,
>>so to make that work, I need to have the xmltvid value that will fuzzy
>>match to the channel name that is broadcast by Freeview.  Until we can
>>see those names (at 06:00 on Mon 2022-03-21), we do not know for sure
>>what will match, but it is pretty easy to guess that these will work:
>>Since Choice TV is disappearing, anything that you record from there
>>that has a recording rule that is set to "This channel" will need to
>>be fixed to record from Eden instead.  In my database, this SQL finds
>>all such rules:
>>select recordid,type,chanid,starttime,title,station,filter from record
>>where filter & 1024 = 1024 and station='ChoiceTV';
>>As I understand it (and I could be wrong), the "This channel" option
>>sets a bit in the record.filter field that the mask 1024 (hex 400)
>>matches.  When that bit is on, the recording rule uses the
>>record.station field to find the matching chanid values from the
>>channel table callsign field and records only when the EPG data
>>program.chanid field matches one of those chanid values.  So, assuming
>>that the channel.callsign for Eden turns out to be "Eden", then this
>>SQL should change all the Choice TV "This channel" rules to now record
>>from Eden:
>>update record set station='Eden' where filter & 1024 = 1024 and
>>However, when the Choice TV channel gets deleted, it is possible that
>>all those Choice TV only rules may be deleted, so I will be making a
>>copy of my record table before doing the new channel scan so that I
>>can put all those rules back again afterwards if that happens, and
>>then I will be able to modify them as above.  The easy way to keep a
>>copy of your old record table is this SQL:
>>create table record_old like record;
>>insert into record_old select * from record;
>>Then after the channel scan, if those rules have been deleted, they
>>can be added back by this:
>>insert into record select * from record old where filter & 1024 = 1024
>>and station='ChoiceTV';
>>and then the above update SQL can be done to them.  When you are
>>finished with the record_old table, it can be deleted with this:
>>drop table record_old;
>>WARNING: If you want to do this sort of SQL updating of your database,
>>you MUST do a database backup first, so that you can restore it if
>>anything goes wrong.
>And on further consideration, I think it would be best to also update
>the chanid on the Choice TV rules that are being updated so that it is
>the chanid for the new Eden channel.  Which will not be known until
>after the channel scan creates the Eden channel.  To find Eden's
>chanid, this should work:
>from channel where name like '%eden%';
>And then the update becomes:
>update record set chanid=<new Eden chanid>, station='Eden' where
>filter & 1024 = 1024 and station='ChoiceTV';

The channel updates happened sometime around 05:00 - but for a while
before then, the engineers had screwed up and put a second copy of all
the TVNZ channels on the Kordia 1 mux!  Fortunately, they noticed and
fixed that.

The only surprise I found was that the Eden channels were named "eden"
and "eden+1" (lower case first letter).  When I scanned though, the
logical channel numbers where not updated for some reason, so I had to
manually change them.  That was a pain.

The recording rules for ChoiceTV were not automatically deleted when
the channel was deleted.  I eventually decided to change all the
ChoiceTV recording rules to the new eden settings, not just the ones
that were set to "This channel".  So the command was:

update record set chanid=<new Eden chanid>, station='eden' where

That seems to have worked properly - I can see a couple of old
ChoiceTV programmes scheduled to record from eden.

I also went through all the channels and updated the xmltvid values so
that they matched the channel names, so mhegepgsnoop would fuzzy match
them correctly.  That then required that I update the
$(HOME)/.mythtv/FreeviewHD.xmltv file (replace "FreeviewHD" with
whatever you call your FreeviewHD source as).  That was able to be
done using a mysql command:

cd ~/.mythtv
sudo mysql mythconverg -e "select concat('channel=',xmltvid) from
channel where sourceid=1 and deleted is null order by xmltvid;" -B -N

The sudo mysql command is all on one line (my email client wraps long
lines).  You will need to use your sourceid value and the correct name
of your .xmltv file.

Then I ran my EPG gathering script and the new channels all got EPG

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