[mythtvnz] upgrade from V 31 to V 32

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sat Mar 12 09:01:13 GMT 2022

On Sat, 12 Mar 2022 17:50:54 +1300, you wrote:

>I'm preparing to upgrade from V 31.0 to V 32.0 (xubuntu 20.04)
>Will this require me to reload a backed up database? Or will it do it 
>all automatically?
>I am using MythTV Control Panel which allows me to select the 32.0 repo 
>and then do an update.
>A long time ago I did an upgrade using Mythbuntu Control Panel from 26.0 
>to 27.0 and if I recall correctly I did not need to do anything else but 
>I may be wrong about that.

Whenever MythTV updates the database schema, it automatically does a
database backup first.  But it uses the default settings for the
backup location, as set in the "DB Backups" storagegroup.  So if your
normal backups from /etc/cron.weekly or /etc/cron.daily go somewhere
else, you need to set that storagegroup properly in mythtv-setup
before doing a database schema upgrade.

The usual way to go about doing a v31 to v32 upgrade is just to change
the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ file that is pointing to v31 to now point
to v32.  In my case:

root at mypvr:/etc/apt/sources.list.d# cat mythbuntu-ubuntu-31-focal.list
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/31/ubuntu focal main
# deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/mythbuntu/31/ubuntu focal main

So I need to rename mythbuntu-ubuntu-31-focal.list to
mythbuntu-ubuntu-32-focal.list (not necessary but a good idea) and
change all references to 31 in that file to 32.  Then shut down
mythfrontend and do:

sudo systemctl stop mythtv-backend
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo apt autoremove

So now you have all the v32 packages installed and the v31 ones
removed.  Next, you need to make sure that the database schema upgrade
happens.  It is best to do that by running mythtv-setup.  It will ask
for permission to do the schema upgrade and will tell you that it is
doing a backup and where it is storing it.  On exit from mythtv-setup,
let it restart mythbackend, or do that yourself:

sudo systemctl start mythtv-backend

Then run mythfrontend.  If you are using any plugins that have their
own database tables (such as mythmusic), you will then be asked to
allow the schema update to happen on those tables, and another
database backup will happen before that is done.  Once mythfrontend is
running normally, the v32 upgrade is complete.

Hopefully, the above is pretty much what MCC will do if you ask it to
perform the upgrade.  But I have not used the new MCC since it was
refreshed by its new maintainers.

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