[mythtvnz] No EPG, what am i doing wrong

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Tue Apr 5 13:33:00 BST 2022

On Tue, 5 Apr 2022 22:48:57 +1200, you wrote:

>I have been using EIT for a few years but after upgrading to V32 and 
>several rescans since March 21st I still do not have 7 days for all 
>In fact at the moment I have 7 days for Maori and Prime but only about 1 
>to 3 hours on the other channels (and nothing for eden or Rush).
>My tuners are HDHomeruns, could that be the problem or have I missed a 
>setting somewhere?

I have just downloaded all the FreeviewHD EIT data using my version of
tv_grab_dvb_plus and a quick look showed that eden had a full set of
data.  I am not sure how the MythTV EIT data gathering works - it may
be getting only the now/next packets.  There are two sorts of EIT data
streams, one that carries the full EIT data, and one that carries only
the now/next data (the current programme and the next programme).
There is an EIT stream of each type for each channel.  If I remember
correctly, all the EIT streams with full data are broadcast on all
muxes, but the now/next streams are only available on the same mux
that actually broadcasts the channel.  But it is a while since I last
looked at the EIT data.  For your reference, I have put a copy of the
raw EIT data on my web server here:


By raw, I mean that the xmltvid values used are like this:


where the "1508" is the serviceid of the channel (HGTV in this case).

And here:


is the same data using my database's xmltvid values.

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