[mythtvnz] Mythtv-setup not adding channels

Don Robertson don at robertson.net.nz
Sat Sep 11 11:58:00 BST 2021


Just doing an bit of a cleanup of my mythbackend, and made bit of an 
error. Instead of deleting a channel, I deleted all channels.

I am trying to run the channel scans and am only getting six channels 
being inserted and available in the channel editor. When the scan runs, 
it says it finds 11 probable channels, but these are not added to the 
channel editor.

If I watch the channels, they appear to be in slow motion.

I am running v31.0-v31.0 on Lubuntu 20.04.3. I have a Silicon Dust 
HDHomeRun (3?).  I set up two tuners for it and have tried one and two 
sources, inputs and whatever else I can add two of. I don't remember 
where installed it from,

The command line tells me this is important:

MythTV Version : v31.0-v31.0
MythTV Branch : fixes/31
Network Protocol : 91
Library API : 31.20200101-1
QT Version : 5.12.5
Options compiled in:
  linux profile use_hidesyms using_alsa using_oss using_pulse 
using_pulseoutput using_backend using_bindings_perl 
using_bindings_python using_bindings_php using_dvb using_firewire 
using_frontend using_hdhomerun using_vbox using_ceton using_hdpvr 
using_ivtv using_joystick_menu using_libcec using_libcrypto 
using_libdns_sd using_libfftw3 using_libxml2 using_lirc using_mheg 
using_opengl using_egl using_qtwebkit using_qtscript using_qtdbus 
using_taglib using_v4l2 using_x11 using_libbluray_external using_xrandr 
using_profiletype using_systemd_notify using_systemd_journal 
using_bindings_perl using_bindings_python using_bindings_php 
using_freetype2 using_mythtranscode using_opengl using_egl using_vaapi 
using_nvdec using_vdpau using_ffmpeg_threads using_mheg using_libass 
using_libxml2 using_libmp3lame

any ideas?

Don Robertson
021 294 1452
don at robertson.net.nz

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