[mythtvnz] New install - mythbackend password not accepted

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sun Apr 4 08:54:41 BST 2021

On Sun, 4 Apr 2021 10:55:34 +1200, you wrote:

>Ok ,I tried your scripts which don't appear to work correctly in this system
>While running htop in another workspace ,I can issue sudo 
>/home/mythtv/bin/mythtv-systemctl-helper.sh stop and sudo 
>/home/mythtv/bin/mythtv-systemctl-helper.sh start commands and observe 
>that the processes related to /usr/bin/mythtv disappear and reappear.
>If I start mythtv backend setup ,first I get a window asking to stop 
>myth backend ,I click yes, I get another window asking for the password 
>and I close it.

If my scripts are installed correctly, you should not get a popup
window asking for the password.  So you need to check that the scripts
are installed.  Try doing this:

sudo mysql
use mythconverg;
select * from settings where data like '%helper%' order by hostname;

This is what I get:

MariaDB [mythconverg]> select * from settings where data like
'%helper%' order by hostname;
| value               | data                                                    | hostname |
| ServerHaltCommand   | sudo /usr/local/bin/mythtv-systemctl-helper.sh halt     | NULL     |
| BackendStartCommand | sudo /usr/local/bin/mythtv-systemctl-helper.sh start    | NULL     |
| BackendStopCommand  | sudo /usr/local/bin/mythtv-systemctl-helper.sh stop     | NULL     |
| HaltCommand         | sudo /usr/local/bin/mythtv-systemctl-helper.sh poweroff | mypvr    |
| RebootCommand       | sudo /usr/local/bin/mythtv-systemctl-helper.sh reboot   | mypvr    |
| HaltCommand         | sudo /usr/local/bin/mythtv-systemctl-helper.sh poweroff | savaidh  |
| RebootCommand       | sudo /usr/local/bin/mythtv-systemctl-helper.sh reboot   | savaidh  |
7 rows in set (0.001 sec)

That shows the hostname=NULL commands, and the commands for two
different frontends (mypvr which is also the backend, and savaidh).
The BackendSartCommand and BackendStopCommand ones are the vital ones
for running mythtv-setup.  If you are having trouble installing them,
it can be done from the mysql command line.  Be aware that the update
command is dangerous - typos can destroy your database so it is best
to just cut and paste if you are not confident with the mysql command

sudo mysql
use mythconverg;
update settings set data='sudo
/usr/local/bin/mythtv-systemctl-helper.sh start' where hostname is
NULL and value='BackendStartCommand';
update settings set data='sudo
/usr/local/bin/mythtv-systemctl-helper.sh stop' where hostname is NULL
and value='BackendStopCommand';
select * from settings where data like '%helper%' order by hostname;

Note that my email client wraps lines - cut and paste the above into
an editor and unwrap the 'update' lines so that they are all on one
line before pasting them to a terminal.  It will not work if the
command string between the single quotes is wrapped.

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