[mythtvnz] HDHomeRun and Mythbackend starting too early

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sat Nov 4 03:22:25 GMT 2017

On Sat, 4 Nov 2017 14:27:23 +1300, you wrote:

>On 04/11/17 14:11, Mark van Dijk wrote:
>> ...<snip>
>> After these changes, I was hoping that the dependancy on 
>> *NetworkManager-wait-online.service* would fix the issue.  It did 
>> not.  Mythbackend still starting up just after the network card was 
>> initialised, but before it is assigned an IP address (i think).  I 
>> spent ages trying different things without success.
>> What finally fixed it was adding one more line to the file above in 
>> the *[Service]* section:
>> *   ExecStartPre=/bin/sleep 5*
>> Yes - i know.  This is an ugly hack.  But it works, and means i can 
>> put this behind me for now.
>Is this a laptop that changes networks?   Or is it a fixed host that 
>never changes networks?
>I'd recommend removing Network Manager and simply configure your network 
>interface permanently.  You're not using DHCP to set an IP of a server, 
>right ?

It is not a good idea to remove Network Manager if you are trying to
get things to wait for an Ethernet interface to be up.  With Network
Manager installed, you can wait on it being up in your systemd unit
files.  Without Network Manager, you will have to write yourself a
special unit file that does something like pinging an external
address, and wait on that to succeed.

If you want to avoid the time taken to do DHCP (recommended for any
server box such as a MythTV backend), just use the Network Manager
settings for the Ethernet interface and set a "manual" IP address

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