[mythtvnz] MythTV 0.29 and HDHomeRun

Mark van Dijk mark.van.dijk.74 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 1 20:15:55 GMT 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Stephen Worthington <stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz>
To: MythTV in NZ <mythtvnz at lists.ourshack.com>
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 2017 13:29:21 +1300
Subject: Re: [mythtvnz] MythTV 0.29 and HDHomeRun
On Wed, 1 Nov 2017 11:15:31 +1300, you wrote:

>If you set up MythTV to use the external IP address of the PC (as you
>do if you are using external frontends), then in v29 that problem
>should go away.  I suspect that you are just using localhost
>( to connect to the backend, and the localhost interface
>comes up virtually instantly compared to the real interfaces like
>Ethernet cards.  In 0.28 and before, if you used the external address
>of the PC, then mythbackend could come up before it was ready and
>would decided to drop back to using localhost.  In v29 that should
>have been fixed and it will wait quite a long time for the specified
>IP address to become available to bind to.
>In 0.28 and before, the normal fix on Ubuntu with systemd was to
>create a systemd override file for mythtv-backend.service to make it
>wait for NetworkManager to be running.  NetworkManager normally only
>signals it is running after the Ethernet interfaces are up.  There are
>threads on the mythtv-users mailing list that tell you how to do that
>- it is a bit involved.  But try just changing to using the external
>IP address of the box first.
>If mythbackend ever comes up before a tuner is ready, then it will
>mark the tuner as unavailable and will not use it.  So if you have
>tuners that are slow to come up, it can be a good idea to have a
>systemd override file for mythtv-backend.service that tells it to wait
>for those tuners before starting mythbackend.  I do not know of any
>way to do that with HDHomerun tuners, so you will need to make sure
>they are on and fully up before mythbackend gets started.  For
>internal tuners, you create a /etc/udev/rules.d/99-tuner.rules file
>containing this:
># Create systemd device units for capture devices
>SUBSYSTEM=="video4linux", TAG+="systemd"
>SUBSYSTEM=="dvb", TAG+="systemd"
>SUBSYSTEM=="firewire", TAG+="systemd"
>and then in your systemd override file you put things like this in the
>[Unit] section:
>A Wants line tells systemd that this unit wants that other unit
>started.  An After line tells systemd to wait until that other unit
>signals it is started before starting this unit.

Thanks very much Stephen!  This is really useful.  I have now verified (via
mythbackend.log and kern.log) that the mythbackend is definitely trying to
connect to the HDHomeRun before the eth0 interface is ready.

As you suggest, I changed the IP address in my MythBackend setup to point
to the real IP address rather than  I had to modify the MYSQL
config file to bind to rather than so that the backend
could actually connect.  Unfortunate there was no change – the issue
persists and the backend is still trying to connect to the HDHomeRun before
the network is up.

I shall have a hunt around online to see how I can delay the mythbackend
via systemmd.

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