[mythtvnz] Schedules Direct trial for NZ

Robert Fisher robert at fisher.net.nz
Fri Sep 2 22:36:23 BST 2016

On 03/09/16 09:08, Curtis Walker wrote:
> On 2 September 2016 at 22:30, Robert Fisher <robert at fisher.net.nz> wrote:
> I might switch back to the local grabber tomorrow to see what happens.
I restored from backup and things were fine again (using tv_grab_nz-py)

Switched back to Schedules Direct and set up to record One News at 6 "at 
any time on any channel"
For tonight it the note shows "This showing will be recorded"
For the rest of the week the note says "This episode will be recorded at 
an earlier time instead"
> No problem for me with One News recording last night (mythtv 0.28
> under Arch). 7-Days recorded fine. So far so good.
I do wonder if 
has the answer in
Remove old program IDs from the database

Unfortunately I do not know enough about mysql to do it.

He suggests:-
update oldrecorded set programid='' where  \
    programid rlike '^EP[0-9]+[a-z]?$' or  \
    programid rlike '^MV[0-9]+[a-z]?$' or  \
    programid rlike '^SH[0-9]+[a-z]?$' or  \
    programid rlike '^SP[0-9]+[a-z]?$';
  update recorded set programid='' where  \
    programid rlike '^EP[0-9]+[a-z]?$' or  \
    programid rlike '^MV[0-9]+[a-z]?$' or  \
    programid rlike '^SH[0-9]+[a-z]?$' or  \
    programid rlike '^SP[0-9]+[a-z]?$';
  update recordedprogram set programid='' where  \
    programid rlike '^EP[0-9]+[a-z]?$' or  \
    programid rlike '^MV[0-9]+[a-z]?$' or  \
    programid rlike '^SH[0-9]+[a-z]?$' or  \
    programid rlike '^SP[0-9]+[a-z]?$';

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