[mythtvnz] Mythbuntu 16.04 user experiences

Paulgir paulgir at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 01:15:54 BST 2016

> Yes and no.  On Mythbuntu, mythtv-setup is a script
> (/usr/bin/mythtv-setup) that is run from that menu entry. The script
> calls the real mythtv-setup program which has the filename
> /usr/bin/mythtv-setup.real.  The script shuts down mytbackend before
> running mythtv-setup.real, and restarts it afterwards.  It also checks
> to see if mythtv-setup is being run from an appropriate user account
> (one in the mythtv group).  If you just want to use the channel editor
> in mythtv-setup, then you do not actually need to shut down
> mythbackend, so quite a few people run mythtv-setup.real from the
> mythtv user (not root) command line in order to do that.
> So when someone says "mythtv-setup", they may mean the real
> mythtv-setup program (which is all that exists on some distros).  But
> since the script runs the program, it does not matter most of the
> time.  The usual intention is that you run the program mythtv-setup,
> however that is done on your distro.

I'm trying to do a database restore for this new install but I've run into  
a bit of a problem.I can't seem to run mythconverg_restore.pl.
I've tried "mythconverg_restore.pl" "sudo mythconverg_restore.pl" and both  
 from the directory the file is in and from the home directory.
On my 12.04 installation I have the same problem but Thunar has an execute  
option in the right click menu.In 16.04 Thunar does not have this option.I  
would prefer to run this from the terminal if I could.

So what am I missing here?

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