[mythtvnz] DVB-T tuner not scanning any radio channels

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Mon May 25 13:11:09 BST 2015

On Mon, 25 May 2015 23:40:58 +1200, you wrote:

>Greetings all
>I'm gradually nailing down things with the new backend PC but I'm finding
>the new TBS6281 DVB-T card doesn't find any radio stations when I scan in
>Mythtv but scanning using scan_2 finds
>0x0021 0x07D0: pmt_pid 0x00DC Kordia -- Radio NZ National (running)
>0x0021 0x07D1: pmt_pid 0x00DD Kordia -- Radio NZ Concert (running)
>0x0021 0x07D2: pmt_pid 0x00DE Kordia -- BaseFM (running)
>Is it a Myth bug, a driver bug or should I just try and poke a few
>channels in manually!!

I am not sure about MythTV as I have not used it for scanning for
ages, but lots of software has options to tell it to scan for TV
channels, radio channels, or both.  So you may need to just find and
set the right scanning option.  Or if you are happy poking about in
your database, I can send you a copy of my tuning data.

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