[mythtvnz] Pixelation/Corrupt recordings

Aaron Pelly apelly at monkeymasters.co.nz
Fri Jul 11 01:56:58 BST 2014

On 07/07/14 22:20, Stephen Worthington wrote:
> It is always worth trying a cold boot if you suspect firmware
> problems.  Shut down the PC, turn the power supply off, turn off all
> peripherals, and wait for at least a minute for all the capacitors to
> decay.  Turn the power supply on, and wait for 15 seconds or so for
> the standby power to stabilise.  Turn on peripherals.  Then start the
> PC.  That should ensure that absolutely all hardware is completely
> reset and all firmware is reloaded.
I will try this.

> To help diagnose this, you might like to add the "-v record" option to
> the end of your mythbackend command line (in
> /etc/init/mythtv-backend.conf in Mythbuntu).
Done. Will keep an eye on it. Nothing interesting so far.

> select cardinputid,cardid,sourceid,inputname,displayname,(select
> videodevice from capturecard where cardid=ci.cardid) as videodevice
> from cardinput ci order by cardinputid;
> In the resulting table, the number in [] is the cardinputid value, and
> the matching videodevice value is the physical tuner device used.
Thanks for the query, Stephen.

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