[mythtvnz] Deleting files

Criggie criggie at criggie.org.nz
Wed Sep 18 01:14:47 BST 2013

Worik Stanton wrote, On 09/18/2013 11:37 AM:
> On 17/09/13 21:20, criggie wrote:
>> Why on earth are you recording to a remote drive? 
> Short answer:  It is the twenty first century.  So why not?
Sorry don't understand how that answers the question.
> Long answer:  I want to separate my computing units from my storage units.  Different functions, different machines.
Well that statement contradicts your actions.
Surely keeping the TV recording all in the mythbox, and away from other 
functions means that the backend storage should be in the backend.

Otherwise your NAS/SAN/Fileserver is not isolated from other functions 
and it becomes "different functions, same file server"

Or am I reading it all wrong?

Is your NAS able to serve space via anything except CIFs ?  NFS or iSCSI 
might solve all your problems by avoiding this file in use error.



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