[mythtvnz] HD HomeRun vs HVR-2200 for DVB-T?

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sat Sep 7 16:29:02 BST 2013

On Sat, 7 Sep 2013 23:35:16 +1200 (NZST), you wrote:

>Has anyone here done a comparison on the two devices when dealing with
>marginal signal issues.
>My TVNZ and Mediaworks reception is OK but Kordia is a bit marginal on my
>HVR-2200, but fine on my Samsung TV.

The HVR-2200 has dual tuners, so it probably has an internal splitter
that is dropping the signal by a few dB compared to the TV, which only
has one tuner and therefore no extra splitter.  So what you may need
if the signal is that marginal is to use single tuners connected
directly to your main splitter.  Or an amplifier/splitter.

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