[mythtvnz] Prime move

criggie criggie at criggie.org.nz
Tue Nov 12 19:38:24 GMT 2013

OK I'll admit I'm slow to notice, but prime seems to be moving on 
freeview DVB-S

So is my reading correct... we satellite users have to add a third DVB 
transponder, at

Frequency 12707000 kHz
Symbol Rate 22500000
Inversion Auto
FEC 3/4
Polarity Horizontal

This is a Sky transponder but its carrying three non-encrypted channels.

Then add another channel using a channel number of
1056 for Prime South Island
1055 for Prime Lower North Island
1018 for Prime Upper North Island

Then run mythfilldatabase to populate channels.

However that doesn't wor, I can't see 1056 in anything, and trying to 
watch it shows "recorder failed"
Everything else works, (channels etc) what have I missed?




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