[mythtvnz] Mythfilldatabase appears to be trying to retrieve Datadirect listings

Paulgir paulgir at gmail.com
Mon May 13 03:19:14 BST 2013

>>>> These are the settings for source #2? Because that is the one the log
>>>> is complaining about. Did you accidentally add a new source when you
>>>> were in mythsetup?
>>>> And it looks like you are still getting that weird script error when
>>>> mythfilldatabase runs the grabber.
>>>>> This is why I don't understand why it is doing the Datadirect thing.
>>>>> Paul
>>> I just checked (I thought I was going mad).There is no #2 source  
>>> listed on
>>> the sources page.
>>> The page shows:
>>> Sources
>>> (new source)
>>> Delete all sources
>>> Freeview
>>> Freeview is the one I set up.
>>> Should I delete all sources and redo it?
>>> Paul
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>> Well, If it isn't broken, unless you are really interested in getting
>> rid of that error message, I would leave it alone.
>> It seems like mythfilldatabase "thinks" you have a second source, but
>> it is not giving you any listings, so shouldn't break any of your
>> current listings or the listings from the nz grabber.
>> But in my experience, doing things in a broken area can cause
>> unexpected behaviour.
>> Cheers,
>> Tim
> The only thing that bothers me is that Mythfilldatabase hangs for a long  
> time (10 minutes or more,sometimes) trying to get data.Then eventually  
> gives an error.
> Paul
I  deleted all sources and recreated 'freeview' every thing is behaving  
itself now


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