[mythtvnz] Anyone know anything about crid's in New Zealand

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 22:09:53 BST 2012

On Sat, Sep 15, 2012 at 5:56 PM,  <ajp at cantabrian.co.nz> wrote:
>>I recall wondering what crid was all about a few years ago and doing some
> research. I concluded it was not very useful.
>>Having just looked it up again (as a result of your post) I read this in
> the RFC
>>"The policy of assignment of CRID values lies with the CRID author
> associated with the authority field. It is likely that there will be a
> number of diverse (and possibly changing) authoring policies as required by
> various organisations as they address their respective audiences."
>>leads me to believe that the crid info is defined by each provider - ie TV3
> will probably use a different schema than TV1 and it's potential is
> therefore minimal in the extreme.
>>Of course I may have that wrong, interested to know what your research has
> revealed.
> Bottom posting is counter to using M$ Outlook, but I will try to remember
> :-)
> I could not find anything other than the type of thing you found. My sense
> is that the crid is valid in that it is unique and means something to
> TVNZ/TV3 or whomever. It's just a shame it can't be looked up. It is quite
> good though for testing if you have already recorded something - I do think
> they keep the same crid if they rebroadcast, well at least I hope they do
> :-)

should be easy enough  to check with TV3/TV3 Plus 1

> It's a same really because quite a few TV series don't have the episode name
> anywhere, not within the program nor in the guide. Things like SGU for
> example.
> Oh yes I am on satellite so that's where the EPG comes from.

So you are using EIT? Personally I think that is a bad choice. You
could try tv_grab_nz-py

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