[mythtvnz] Channel id to name tables: Where are they?

Worik Stanton worik.stanton at gmail.com
Mon Oct 22 00:30:45 BST 2012


A while ago I asked for help here with a problem where some times the
wrong channel is recorded at the correct time.

I have an example that has made me wonder if my channel table in the
database is a bit skew-whiff.

How do I query my database to get a channel ID to english language
description?  I am wondering if in all my updating channels I corrupted
those tables.

A question for an FAQ (if one eventuates) is "Where can I see a
structure of the MythTV DBs?"  Answering that would be sufficient for me.


PS:  The long story is looking at the backend logs I see a recording of
BBC news that was broadcast on TV1 at 4am but recorded Maori TV...

2012-10-22 04:00:03.264 Started recording: "BBC World News": channel
1052 on cardid 1, sourceid 1

TV1 recordings are on channel 1001 and Maori TV on 1005.
it does not matter                      I think that I shall never see
how much I dig and dig                    A billboard lovely as a tree
this hole just                      Indeed, unless the billboards fall
keeps getting deeper                      I'll never see a tree at all

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