[mythtvnz] Pixellation Every ~ 20 minutes

Noel & Diane noel at igrin.co.nz
Tue Oct 16 07:44:50 BST 2012

Good random thought. I had the same one, and swapped out my GTX460 for
a spare GT430 - no difference.

I also - on balance of evidence and anecdote - now think this is a
buffer issue. Pixellation occurred while watching LiveTV today at
around the 20 minute mark (started watching at 17:15, so not an "on
the hour" problem or scheduling problem).

Stopping LiveTV as the pixellation starts and restarting it straight
away (signal 98%, SNR 2.4dB) resolved the issue. Problem occurred ~10
minutes later and was again resolved (or preempted from going to a
complete blur) by restarting LiveTV.

Now - how to find the cause .... ?

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what has changed in the video encoder/decoder software to cause this I wonder?  
Anyone tried changing their video acceleration to see if this changes anything?
ie VDPAU settings.  Who's brave enough to try rolling back to XvMC to see if SD is OK?

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