[mythtvnz] Reported conflicts

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 06:53:23 BST 2012

On Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Worik Stanton <worik.stanton at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 15/10/12 18:04, Nick Rout wrote:
>>> No.  The reported conflicts are for channels I can record both at once.
>>> > I have tested this manually.
>> Even with overlap taken into account?
> The overlap is an interesting case.
> I have plenty of recordings that overlap.
> Just now I scheduled "Michael Wood's Story of England" to 5minutes past
> end and "Master Chef USA" atarting a minute early.  Both are OK on the
> "Find Progranmmes" dialog where I did it.  But in the "Upcoming
> Recording" view it lists the "...Story of England.." as conflicting with
> "Master Chef" and "The Simpsons".  "..Story..." and "Master Chef..." are
> on Prime and "Simpsons" are on Four.
> As I write TV1 news, TV3 news and The 70's Show are all recording

Not enough info I think, the two Prime programmes "Story" and
"Masterchef USA" should be OK as long as there isn't too much else on
that mux (Prime cohabits with Maori, Parliament, Trackside, and
RadioNZ National, Concert and BaseFM).

A mythtv-status output might help.

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