[mythtvnz] Mhegepgsnoop Setup

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Thu Jun 21 02:50:27 BST 2012

On Thu, 21 Jun 2012 12:15:19 +1200, you wrote:

>Interestingly on my system, with an HVR2200 tuner, I never need to tune 
>to get the EPG and I never have problems pulling the EPG from an active 
>tuner. My system is powered off overnight too.

You must have your tuners set up to be used continuously by MythTV. In
mythtv-setup, Capture Card Setup/Recording Options, you will have the
"Open DVB card on demand" option off for that tuner.  But I was under
the impression that with that option off, MythTV would not actually
tune the tuner until it first needed it for something, like a
recording or EIT grabbing.  So I would have thought that mhegepgsnoop
would not work until that first tuning happened.  If you have the next
option on that page, "Use DVB card for active EIT scan", also set,
then that would cause the tuner to be tuned immediately after
mythbackend starts.

>Stephen, my guess is that user root needs a password or even doesn't 
>have rights to access the database on your system. I'll probably add an 
>option to use the python bindings for database access in a future 
>version. This simplifies the user/password thing so long as you run the 
>script as a user with permission to read the correct config.xml (and 
>mysql.txt?) file. On my system I have created links from my 
>/home/dmoo1790/.mythtv/ directory to /home/mythtv/.mythtv/ to get the 
>python bindings working.

You are right, root has a mysql password.  My database has been around
for a long time now - it has been upgraded with each new MythTV
version from 0.21 originally, before DVB-T existed in NZ.  So it
probably has all sorts of interesting things like that in it that are
slightly different from a brand new 0.25 database.  Since mysql is
accessible on my network, I think it is a really good idea to have a
password on the mysql root user.

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