[mythtvnz] EPG update problems

Curtis Walker sultanoswing at gmail.com
Sun Jun 10 02:07:48 BST 2012

On 10 June 2012 12:24, David Moore <dmoo1790 at ihug.co.nz> wrote:

> On 10/06/12 09:31, Paulgir wrote:
>> Hi All
>> Till now,due to the lack of a permanent LAN connection,I have been
>> updating the EPG by manually running tv_grab_nz-py and then
>> mythfilldatabase weekly.
>> I now have a wireless LAN,so I am trying to automate the process.
>> I have run into problems.I have followed these instructions:
>> http://www.gossamer-threads.**com/lists/mythtv/mythtvnz/**
>> 501519?search_string=tv_grab_**nz-py;#501519<http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/mythtv/mythtvnz/501519?search_string=tv_grab_nz-py;#501519>
>> Am I correct to think that running tv_grab_nz-py should automatically
>> cause mythfilldatabase to run,updating the EPG.In my case it doesn't.
>> I can only achieve this by manually running mythfilldatabase.
>> I have tried to use this alternative method From another thread:
>> "Oh - and once you're done - here's an easy script to import the EPG data:
>> #! /bin/bash
>> wget http://nzepg.org/freeview.xml.**gz<http://nzepg.org/freeview.xml.gz>
>> gunzip freeview.xml.gz
>> mythfilldatabase --file 1 freeview.xml --update
>> rm freeview.xml
>> exit
>> Paste it into a text file, save it with a ".sh" extension, make it
>> executable (chmod +x) then run it as a daily cron task at, say, 3am and
>> you never need be without an up-to-date EPG!"
>> This also does not work for me.When I run this script in a terminal I
>> get the following output:
>> myth at myth:~$ /home/myth/nzepg_download.sh
>> --2012-06-10 09:01:34-- http://nzepg.org/freeview.xml.**gz<http://nzepg.org/freeview.xml.gz>
>> Resolving nzepg.org...
>> Connecting to nzepg.org||:80... connected.
>> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>> Length: 189441 (185K) [application/octet-stream]
>> Saving to: `freeview.xml.gz'
>> 100%[=========================**=============>] 189,441 227K/s in 0.8s
>> 2012-06-10 09:01:36 (227 KB/s) - `freeview.xml.gz' saved [189441/189441]
>> Boolean type options do not accept values:
>> --file
>> Received '1' but unassociated arguments have not been enabled
>> mythfilldatabase version: fixes/0.25 [v0.25-94-gec51a97] www.mythtv.org
>> Mythfilldatabase does not run as a result of this script.
>> Any suggestions that might get either method working will be appreciated.
>> Cheers
>> Paul
> They changed the mythfilldatabase syntax in 0.25. Grr. God knows why they
> couldn't just _extend_ it instead of changing it and immediately breaking
> thousands of myth user scripts. Really dumb IMHO. Anyway you now need this:
> mythfilldatabase --file --sourceid 1 --xmlfile freeview.xml --update
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As David says, that change will get my script working again :)

I have did update the instructions for it on the archives here once I
realised Myth had changed the syntax requirements.
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