[mythtvnz] Configuring the remote (TeVii s480)

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Tue Jun 5 12:59:07 BST 2012

On Tue, 05 Jun 2012 21:53:38 +1200, you wrote:

>What do need to do to configure the IR receiver on my s480?
>/var/log/kern.log shows entries like this:
>Jun  3 11:38:39 tv kernel: [   14.811506] input: IR-receiver inside an USB DVB r
>eceiver as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:15.0/0000:03:00.1/usb4/4-1/input/input12
>Jun  3 11:38:39 tv kernel: [   14.811919] dvb-usb: schedule remote query interva
>l to 150 msecs.
>but I don't have any /dev/lirc entries. What am I missing?
>Short intro: I am a software developer (mainly Windows and OSX) and long time 
>Linux and OSS user (started 1997 ish). I am building a mythtv box to replace a 
>DVR that died a couple of weeks ago.

For my Mother's Hauppauge Nova TD-500 card, I had to write a udev rule
to map the remote input to a known /dev device.  I created a
/etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules file:

SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2040",
ATTRS{idProduct}=="8400", SYMLINK+="lirc0"

(That is one long line - it may be wrapped in your newsreader).

That creates a /dev/lirc0 device that is stable across boots and can
be used in your /etc/lirc/hardware.conf file.  You will need to adjust
the vendor/product IDs to the ones for your card - lsusb should tell
you the right numbers.  Take a look at the TD-500 support page for
more about remote setup:


You can also use your Android smartphone or tablet as a remote using
the MythMote app, or MyMote or MythRemote on an iPhone or iPad.

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