[mythtvnz] XMLTV headers changed

David Moore dmoo1790 at ihug.co.nz
Sat Jul 7 10:53:44 BST 2012

On 07/07/12 21:40, Robin Gilks wrote:
>> On 07/07/12 21:06, David Moore wrote:
>>> On 07/07/12 20:39, David Moore wrote:
>>>> Interestingly you may have revealed a bug. UTF-8 encoding created by
>>>> mhegepgsnoop is displayed properly (e.g., by "less file" and myth)
>>>> but iconv choked on one character. Seems the byte order might be
>>>> backwards for this char but most apps handle it because bytes in
>>>> multi-byte UTF-8 chars are unambiguous so order doesn't really
>>>> matter. iconv may be less tolerant and simply abort if it gets bytes
>>>> in the wrong order.
>>> I take it back. Seems the bytes in the character iconv choked on are
>>> in the correct order. Bug in iconv?
>> As usual I didn't RTFM. What you need is:
>> iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO_8859-1//TRANSLIT this_file -o that_file
>> "man iconv" for explanation of "//TRANSLIT".
> I've put in
> iconv -f UTF-8 -t ISO_8859-1//TRANSLIT//IGNORE this_file -o that_file
> and it seems to work fine (I'm converting the epgsnoop output) but that
> still doesn't explain to me why ISO_8859-1 has worked fine for a number of
> years in epgsnoop but now it has to change...
UTF-8 is betterer. :) No, seriously, see Stephen's comments and do some 
googling. UTF-8 is a more robust and future-proof char set so you'll 
come across it more often than ISO_8859-1. Why change now? It was time I 

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