[mythtvnz] Weird - blank mythweb/tv/recorded

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Thu Jan 19 05:42:34 GMT 2012

** Reply to message from "Criggie" <criggie at criggie.dyndns.org> on
Thu, 19 Jan 2012 16:16:40 +1300

> Stephen Worthington wrote:
> > In my case, the reason is pretty obvious, and not unexpected.  I have
> > a huge number of recordings stored away (2687), and I get this in the
> > Apache2 error.log file:
> >
> > [Thu Jan 19 13:20:25 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:
> > Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 76
> > bytes) in /usr/share/mythtv/mythweb/modules/tv/recorded.php on line
> > 148, referer:
> Good effort - how much disk is that?
> I have 1.5 TB and ~750 recordings.

I have 2 x 3 TB and 1 x 2 TB drives for recordings, less the system
partitions, so about 7.85 Tbytes is available for recordings.  There
is 99 GiB of free space left, so around 7.75 TB of space is used for
the 2688 recordings, for an average of around 2.8 Gbytes per
> Your error might be fixed by allowing PHP to allocate more ram.
> Edit php.ini  - it could be in /etc or /etc/php5/cli or similar,
> and set memory_limit to a higher value.  I suspect its set on 64 MB now...
> Mine's 128M.

memory_limit was set to -1, which should mean unlimited memory usage.

> -- 
> Criggie
> http://criggie.dyndns.org/

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