[mythtvnz] Help needed setting up HVR-2200 in Mythbuntu

Paulgir paulgir at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 06:29:03 GMT 2012

This is where I have got to.
I've been running a mythTV backend in Ubuntu 11.10 to test the hardware.
I followed the directions on  
  to install the firmware and got the capture cards section to recognise  
the tuner.
I could not figure out how to test the card using myth BE - it would not  
let me do a scan.
I found and installed Gnome DVB daemon.This app could not be easier.I  
selected New Zealand
and it brought up Waiatarua as my closest transmitter.It scanned all the  
freeview channels
with signal strength indications. It had downloaded the freeview programme  
guide for the
next six hours.I selected a programme to record and it created a folder in  
Downloads to
store the file.it created an mpeg file that had a 0 KB size.

So I thought I must be almost there and decided to install Mythbuntu.
This is not an easy program to use with no guide.
I went through the same process as above to install the firmware but now  
that process
does not work:

wget http://www.steventoth.net/linux/hvr22xx/22xxdrv_27086.zip
wget http://www.steventoth.net/linux/hvr22xx/extract.sh

sh extract.sh
cp *fw /lib/firmware
# for some linux distros, might need the following line instead of the  
cp *fw /lib/firmware/`uname -r`

I get to the "sh extract.sh"  command and it tells me it can't find the  

any help?

I tried to play a .avi file after copying it to /var/lib/videos and  
filling the database but when
I go to media library  I can't find the file.


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