[mythtvnz] Multicast your noisy frontend or backend to a quiet box?

tortise tortise at paradise.net.nz
Fri Feb 3 23:01:01 GMT 2012

Seems VLC may be able to transcode and multi/unicast a desktop screen.

I've not got it working but the flurry of debug messages suggest it 
might work, and it seems its flooding my LAN as traffic is challenged.

VLC runs and may be casting the screen, however memory climbs until it, 
and the swap are exhausted where it then kills itself.

Predictably VLC 1.1.4 looks more promising than 1.0.6.

I am now using Frontend VLC server:
DISPLAY=:0 cvlc -vv screen:// --sout 

VLC client also not sure, possibilities might include rtp or udp 
versions of:

Anyone interested in this concept or advancing it?

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