[mythtvnz] Transcoding HD videos

Brett mythicalbeast at slingshot.co.nz
Tue Apr 24 10:40:59 BST 2012

> Are you guys also editing the HD Videos as well?
Work in progress (ice-age slow) so no, not yet.

I would like to be able to use a user-job with the std myth cutlists.
I think that time based cutlists could be better for fast

- supports cutlists
- still no latm-aac support
- 2.5 was frame based, 2.6 is time based, both are flakey IMO.

- supports time cutlists by splitting file, cuts to I frame.
- no latm-aac support.
- mkv output only (fine).

- can be scripted to cut in one pass with cutlist
- frame accurate cutting requires video filter i.e. decode & slow

Converting ts to ps & (theoretically) stripping filler NALs could save
10% to 40%.

I have read that mkvmerge strips filler/stuffing NALs & ffmpeg does
not..but I have not noticed any size reduction by processing with


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