[mythtvnz] Laptop recommendation for HD MythTV

Aaron Whitehouse lists at whitehouse.org.nz
Fri Apr 6 05:34:33 BST 2012

Hi Jean,

First up, thanks for all of your great work getting MythTV to work with
our strange breed of Freeview!

On 05/04/12 18:49, Jean-Yves Avenard wrote:
> On 4 April 2012 15:24, Aaron Whitehouse <lists at whitehouse.org.nz> wrote:
>> VDPAU. I would prefer to stick to support ATi because of their support
>> of Free Linux drivers, if it isn't going to be a lifetime of headaches.
> I find this comment hilarious to be honest...
> Their best drivers aren't open source, and best doesn't mean much as
> they suck big time anyway

I'll keep this brief, as this could quickly get off topic. As I
understand it, ATi have released the specs for all of their graphics
cards (with the exception of the video decoding part, which they say is
too close to the DRM stuff) and nVidia has released nothing. ATi funds a
team to work on Free software drivers. NVidia does not. Yes, nVidia
offers prettier "non-Free baubles", but I think it is hard to deny that
ATi is doing better by Free software.

But yes, working hardware video decoding would be great and I don't have
a huge amount of spare time to muck about making things work, so thanks
for the practical tips.

I don't pretend to be as militant as RMS about these things, but think
that it is important to choose the "Free-est" option where it is a
workable solution.


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