[mythtvnz] Simple Script For Pulling EPG into MythTV

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 20:41:07 BST 2011

On Thu, Sep 22, 2011 at 10:13 PM, Roger Searle <roger.searle at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 21/09/11 22:08, Curtis Walker wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm a noob, but here is a very simple shell script for pulling NZ EPG data
> (8 days' worth) into your MythTV backend.
> Apologies to all if this is telling you how to suck eggs, but the various
> other methods on geekzone and this mailing list either seemed a) complicated
> or b) didn't work for me (tv_grab_nz-py and Myth on my setup didn't work
> properly - possibly something to do with Arch linux running Python 3).
> As you can see, this script will download the freeview.xml.gz file from
> nzepg.org, unzip it, install it into Myth's backend, then clean up. Running
> it as a cron task daily at 3am, you never need be without an up-to-date EPG!
> #! /bin/bash
> wget http://nzepg.org/freeview.xml.gz
> gunzip freeview.xml.gz
> mythfilldatabase --file 1 freeview.xml --update
> rm freeview.xml
> exit
> Thanks Curtis, nice timing for me as my first batch of data had nearly
> expired and I wasn't clear why mythtv itself wouldn't update it for me.
> I've got another 8 days' worth again, using these lines.
> While I could of course run this via cron, I'm interested to discover what
> needs to be done to have mythtv doing it for me, as I understood that was
> supposed to happen. I have
> Channel Frequency Table = New Zealand
> mythfilldatabase run frequency (days) = 1
> mythfilldatabase execution start = 2
> mythfilldatabase execution stop = 5
> Run mythfilldatabase at time suggested by the grabber = yes
> Video source setup listings grabber = New Zealand (py) (xmltv)
> Yet the EPG data was on it's last day.  What have I missed?
> Cheers,
> Roger

run mythfilldatabase from the command line and see if you get any
errors. or look in your logs for errors when it runs.

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