[mythtvnz] Memory leak?

tortise tortise at paradise.net.nz
Wed Sep 7 00:01:07 BST 2011

On 7/09/2011 7:55 a.m., Nick Rout wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 11:22 PM, tortise<tortise at paradise.net.nz>  wrote:
>> Hi Gurus  (I hope that's the correct plural!)
>> My mythbuntu 10.04 backend is misbehaving.  I've turned it right off
>> (not disconnected the mains, will do that too) but the problem persists,
>> which seems to be some sort of memory leak as the memory % keeps
>> climbing until the box GUI becomes incredibly slow.  The 2 CPU cores now
>> run at a minimum of 60%.
>> top gives me:
>> top - 23:03:51 up 35 min,  2 users,  load average: 2.34, 2.19, 1.98
>> Tasks: 187 total,   2 running, 185 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
>> Cpu(s): 43.1%us, 14.7%sy,  0.0%ni, 41.5%id,  0.6%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.2%si,
>> 0.0%st
>> Mem:   2056708k total,  1977148k used,    79560k free,    10940k buffers
>> Swap:  4805624k total,      164k used,  4805460k free,  1178756k cached
>>   2133 drone     20   0  370m 140m 7164 S   52  7.0  16:00.37
>> gnome-system-mo
>>   1718 drone     20   0 23688 1096  536 S   48  0.1  15:00.28 dbus-daemon
>>   2135 drone     20   0  158m 2732 1816 R    7  0.1   2:11.01
>> gvfs-gdu-volume
>>   2143 drone     20   0 55300 1668 1100 S    4  0.1   1:10.32
>> gvfs-gphoto2-vo
>>   2145 drone     20   0 69216 1580 1072 S    4  0.1   1:09.99
>> gvfs-afc-volume
>>   1855 drone     20   0  280m 235m 1112 S    2 11.7   0:32.17 gvfsd
>>   1628 root      20   0  135m  26m  11m S    1  1.3   1:33.64 Xorg
>>   1132 mysql     20   0  248m  29m 2960 S    0  1.4   0:05.28 mysqld
>>   1552 mythtv    20   0  804m  34m 6776 S    0  1.7   1:10.01 mythbackend
>>   1765 drone     20   0  172m 7244 4864 S    0  0.4   0:04.06 xfce4-panel
>>   2263 drone     20   0 19224 1472 1060 R    0  0.1   0:00.03 top
>>      1 root      20   0 23844 1492  696 S    0  0.1   0:00.43 init
>> The software is up to date and I'm running myth 0.23-fixes 26863.  I've
>> not much to it so its unlikely something I've done recently.
>> Can anyone suggest where to from here?
> \
> Theres a contradiction there. Up to date is 0.24-fixes.

Maybe its up to date for that myth branch, which means its not changed 
for some time, and the OS updates are all up to date!

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