[mythtvnz] Lirc & MCE Remote

Johan Schuld johanschuld at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 11:41:11 BST 2011

>Hi Johan
>I'm using MCE remotes on 2 frontends and they work just fine with the
>mceusb driver. This is the lsmod output on one of the Zotac boards on a
>2.6.32 kernel:
># lsmod
>Module                  Size  Used by
>nvidia              10264008  38
>lirc_mceusb            11405  1
>lirc_dev                7889  3 lirc_mceusb
>One thing that had me going for ages was that I'd named the lirc config
>file incorrectly. I'd called it lirc.conf and it should have been
>lircd.conf. This resulted in irrecord working fine but irw gave no output
>and nor did mythtv work (not surprisingly!!). Same result if the file is
>not where lircd looks for it. Old versions of lircd look in /etc, newer
>versions look in /etc/lirc for the config file
>I used a 'stock' lircd.conf from the lirc.org website but if you do roll
>your own using irrecord then use the -n switch (-disable-namespace) which
>disables namespace checks like KEY_PLAY etc

Interesting to see your module is called "lirc_mceusb" i only have "mceusb"
and when I load it, it appears under "ir_core".  lirc_dev has no
dependencies and neither has mceusb.

Also, how do you start lircd with the driver as "mceusb". If I try for
instance "lircd --nodaemon --driver=mceusb
but that is not accepted and I'm presented with a list that is accepted. Is
the driver not "registered" or something?

This is my lsmod:
dvinepvr:~ # lsmod |grep ir_
ir_lirc_codec           4843  0
lirc_dev               16018  1 ir_lirc_codec
ir_sony_decoder         2453  0
ir_jvc_decoder          2578  0
ir_rc6_decoder          3090  0
ir_rc5_decoder          2546  0
ir_nec_decoder          2738  0
ir_common               6515  1 cx88xx
ir_core                21236  17
dvinepvr:~ # lsmod |grep mce
rc_rc6_mce              1574  0
mceusb                 16564  0
ir_core                21236  17
dvinepvr:~ #

This is the out-of-the-box suse 11.4 config (apart from me adding mceusb
manually). There seems to be a lot of unnecessary modules loaded but even if
I unload the ones I know are not needed, it still does not work. Maybe I
should try to unload ir_core?

I got the Microsoft MCE set in a all-in deal from trademe (together with a
complete HTPC) from someone who moved to My-sky from Windows MCE.

James, keen to have a look at your config files. Thnx for the offer.
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