[mythtvnz] New Programs Feed

Robin Gilks g8ecj at gilks.org
Tue May 25 03:35:45 BST 2010

> On Tue, 2010-05-25 at 13:09 +1200, Robin Gilks wrote:
>> Every day appears to be 5th of May and should there be some channel
>> information in there somewhere?
> Date formatting might need to be looked at and no.
> --
> http://nicegear.co.nz
> New Zealand's Open Source Hardware Supplier

I must have missed something in recent threads as I can't see this being
very useful for scheduling information if I don't know what channel a
program is on...

Or is it Program Feed - a new facility rather than a list of programs that
are new - and what are the category buttons all about?  - I'm very
confused... (not difficult to achieve:-)

Robin Gilks

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