[mythtvnz] EPG or lack there of

Robin Gilks g8ecj at gilks.org
Sun Mar 14 22:46:35 GMT 2010

> Perhaps the guys that have been very kindly hosting the EPG all this time,
> could post their scripts up that they are using in place of the EPG (which
> would not infringe any copyright). The only reason I was using the epg.pvr
> feeds is because the data was so much cleaner than my own scripts.

epgsnoop - although the current bazaar version seems to be missing lots of
meta data so I assume there are updates that haven't made it to the

> Thanks Sky, the reality is now you have driven this underground so all the
> people that were getting from there are now going to go and pull the data
> directly themselves where you will have no visibility of what is going on.


> Either that or if we can't get guide data we will just cancel our sky
> subscriptions. Sometimes I wonder about the mentality of these people. I
> think they probably think we are all potential MySky customers when in
> reality we are not.

So I'm paying nearly 50 bucks a month for the minimal subscription but
they don't want me to know what shows are being broadcast. If I wasn't
paying for it, I wouldn't be able to receive it and I would have no use
for the EPG data. Sounds like accounting muppets that share a single brain
cell across the whole department - the person responsible for this whole
debarcle obviously didn't have the brain cell that day...

As you say, I'll be canceling my subscription before I cough up for a
MySky box...


Robin Gilks

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