[mythtvnz] Tuning mythtv in Dunedin

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Tue Mar 9 13:01:21 GMT 2010

On Tue, 9 Mar 2010 22:01:38 +1300, you wrote:

>Thanks very much, this is just what I needed.  I inserted many of the other
>channels from your channel table directly into my channel table and ran
>setup (but maybe mythfilldatabase might have done it) and Robert's your
>uncle, I can play the channels...
>Now my channel table looks this;
>| chanid | channum | freqid | sourceid | callsign         | name
>| xmltvid                  | mplexid | serviceid |
>|   1001 | 1       | 43     |        1 | TV ONE           | TV ONE
>|                          |       1 |      1200 |
>|   1002 | 2       | 43     |        1 | TV2              | TV2
>|                          |       1 |      1201 |
>|   1003 | 3       | 45     |        1 | TV3              | TV3
>|                          |       4 |      1300 |
>|   1004 | 4       | 45     |        1 | C4               | C4
>| c4.freeviewnz.tv         |       4 |      1301 |
>|   1005 | 5       | 53     |        1 | Maori Television | Maori Television
>| maori-tv.freeviewnz.tv   |       5 |      1400 |
>|   1006 | 6       | 43     |        1 | TVNZ 6           | TVNZ 6
>| tvnz6.freeviewnz.tv      |       1 |      1202 |
>|   1007 | 7       | 43     |        1 | TVNZ 7           | TVNZ 7
>| tvnz7.freeviewnz.tv      |       1 |      1203 |
>|   1008 | 8       | 45     |        1 | TV3 PLUS1        | TV3 PLUS1
>| tv3-plus1.freeviewnz.tv  |       4 |      1302 |
>|   1010 | 10      | 53     |        1 | PRIME            | PRIME
>| prime.freeviewnz.tv      |       5 |      1404 |
>|   1022 | 22      | 53     |        1 | Parliament TV    | Parliament TV
>| parliament.freeviewnz.tv |       5 |      1401 |
>|   1028 | 28      | 53     |        1 | ChineseTV        | ChineseTV
>| ctv8.freeviewnz.tv       |       5 |      1403 |
>|   1100 | 100     | 53     |        1 | Freeview | HD    | Freeview | HD
>|                          |       5 |      1406 |
>Of course, I get no channel information, unlike the auto-tuned channels, and
>I still don't know why scanning failed.
>There are other problems, but I should probably start new threads for them
>after I have had a go at working them out myself...
>Thanks again.

That looks OK, but you will still need to fix the xmltvid values for
the channels where it is missing.  Otherwise the Guide and EPG will
not work for those channels.

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