[mythtvnz] Cutting H.264 DVB-T files with ffmpeg without transcoding

Craig Blaikie craig at gregor.co.nz
Sat Jul 24 22:50:04 BST 2010

>I've used VB a fair bit also but I don't think it's a good idea to rely
>on something which isn't pretty standard in Ubuntu for portability
>reasons. Turns out sql in bash is really simple. Just echo the sql
>commands through a pipe to mysql and catch the results. Dead easy. :-)
>Hardest thing will be understanding which tables need updating.
>Recordedseek and recordedmarkup are the ones I know of so far.
>Actually looks like the trickiest thing is handling the cuts. Myth cuts
>in recordedmarkup table are in frames whereas ffmpeg uses times so need
>to do some maths to convert frame to time. Bash doesn't do floating
>point maths but there is a linux utility called bc to do this so that's
>no problem. Could be a problem with cut accuracy however. I had a look
>at one of my recordings last night and it seems that the time myth shows
>for the cut points is not exactly equal to the cut point frame number x
>25 (fps). I'm guessing there might be some issue with the start time for
>the recording but not sure yet.

[Craig Blaikie] 
I haven't seen the frame offset issue in MythTV, is it only in the final
ffmpeg'ed file?  If it's a constant offset then it might be easier to add an
adjustment/offset value. 
Looks like mythcommflag can do most of the heavy lifting with --getcutlist
which returns a nicely formatted set of cut points, (still in frames) then
using --clearcutlist and --rebuild to reset the seektable.  I'll have a go
at putting it together, might take me a few days...

Cutlist: 0-1220,17379-21140,33779-39043,49604-54116,66654-71917,83563-136461

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