[mythtvnz] MultiRec Turned Off?

Stephen Worthington stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz
Sun Feb 21 08:37:12 GMT 2010

On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 20:41:23 +1300, you wrote:

>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Stephen Worthington" <stephen_agent at jsw.gen.nz>
>To: "MythTV in NZ" <mythtvnz at lists.linuxnut.co.nz>
>Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:57 PM
>Subject: Re: [mythtvnz] MultiRec Turned Off?
>> On Sun, 21 Feb 2010 16:46:47 +1300, you wrote:
>>>----- Original Message ----- 
>>>From: "Tortise" <tortise at paradise.net.nz>
>>>To: "MythTV in NZ" <mythtvnz at lists.linuxnut.co.nz>
>>>Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 4:17 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [mythtvnz] MultiRec Turned Off?
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>> From: "Nick Rout" <nick.rout at gmail.com>
>>>> To: "MythTV in NZ" <mythtvnz at lists.linuxnut.co.nz>
>>>> Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 4:02 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [mythtvnz] MultiRec Turned Off?
>>>> On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Tortise <tortise at paradise.net.nz> wrote:
>>>>> I have 2 500T, comprising 4 tuners each with 5 virtual tuners set, yet for some reason multirec does not seem to work, that is 
>>>>> I
>>>>> can
>>>>> only seem to get one channel from each tuner. There are 20 encoders in mythweb. I cannot find a setting that turns off 
>>>>> multirec.
>>>>> Tonight I have a recording conflict as I am trying to record 5 overlapping things.... I cannot find a setting about this, as 
>>>>> best
>>>>> I
>>>>> can tell setting 2 or more virtual tuners turns multirec on and nothing should turn it off then? (Mythbuntu 23565)
>>>>> Can anyone suggest how its turned itself off or where to look to move this forwards?
>>>>>Multirec is turned on by setting more than one recording per real
>>>> tuner, ie you have it turned on already.
>>>>>How are your 5 recordings distributed through the various multiplexes?
>>>My tuners are named T0, T1, T2 and T3.  From Mythweb "Upcoming Recordings"
>>>1) Conflict   Doc Martin   1 - TV One   Sun Feb 21, 2010 (08:30 PM)   1 hr
>>> 2)   T1  Jaws 3  4 - C4  Sun Feb 21, 2010 (08:30 PM)  2 hrs 5 mins
>>> 3)   T0  ??Norbit  2 - TV2  Sun Feb 21, 2010 (08:30 PM)  2 hrs
>>> 4)   T2  Sunday Feature: Hidden  5 - Maori Television  Sun Feb 21, 2010 (08:30 PM)  2 hrs
>>> 5)   T3  Prime Presents: Last Chance To See  10 - PRIME  Sun Feb 21, 2010 (08:35 PM)  1 hr 15 mins
>>>1 and 3 should be on one multiplex  (48)
>>>2 the 2nd (50)
>>>4 and 5 the third (59)
>>>Makes me wonder if my channel setup is not correct, I put it up at http://imagebin.ca/view/nxWwOByI.html
>> The channel setup shown by mythweb is not complete - it misses out the
>> vital bits for DVB-T: mplexid and serviceid.  To see them, you will
>> need to do a bit of SQL.  The following presumes that you are running
>> a recent mythbuntu.  Make a .sh file with this in it:
>> #!/bin/bash
>> # Run MySQL to access the mythconfig database.
>> source /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
>> mysql -u $DBUserName -p$DBPassword -h $DBHostName $DBName
>> and chmod it to be executable.  Run it and you will get a mysql
>> prompt.  I find it is best to do this from a xterm, so that you can
>> use a very wide screen.  Then paste in this command and see what the
>> mplexid and serviceid shows:
>> select
>> chanid,channum,freqid,sourceid,callsign,name,xmltvid,mplexid,serviceid
>> from channel;
>mysql> mysql> select chanid,channum,freqid,sourceid,callsign,name,xmltvid,mplexid,serviceid from channel;
>| chanid | channum | freqid | sourceid | callsign          | name                       | xmltvid                    | mplexid | 
>serviceid |
>|   1001 | 1       | 48     |        1 | TV ONE            | TV ONE                     |                            |       1 | 
>1200 |
>|   1002 | 2       | 48     |        1 | TV2               | TV2                        |                            |       1 | 
>1201 |
>|   1006 | 6       | 48     |        1 | TVNZ 6            | TVNZ 6                     |                            |       1 | 
>1202 |
>|   1007 | 7       | 48     |        1 | TVNZ 7            | TVNZ 7                     |                            |       1 | 
>1203 |
>|   1003 | 3       | 50     |        1 | TV3               | TV3                        |                            |       2 | 
>1300 |
>|   1004 | 4       | 50     |        1 | C4                | C4                         |                            |       2 | 
>1301 |
>|   1009 | 8       | 50     |        1 | TV3 PLUS1         | TV3 PLUS1                  |                            |       2 | 
>1302 |
>|   1005 | 5       | 59     |        1 | Maori Television  | Maori Television           |                            |       3 | 
>1400 |
>|   1022 | 22      | 59     |        1 | Parliament TV     | Parliament TV              |                            |       3 | 
>1401 |
>|   1028 | 28      | 59     |        1 | ChineseTV         | ChineseTV                  |                            |       3 | 
>1403 |
>|   1010 | 10      | 59     |        1 | PRIME             | PRIME                      |                            |       3 | 
>1404 |
>|   1050 | 50      | 59     |        1 | Radio NZ National | Radio NZ National          |                            |       3 | 
>2000 |
>|   1051 | 51      | 59     |        1 | Radio NZ Concert  | Radio NZ Concert           |                            |       3 | 
>2001 |
>|   1071 | 71      | 59     |        1 | BaseFM            | BaseFM                     |                            |       3 | 
>2002 |
>|      1 | 1       | 48     |        1 | TV1               | TV One                     | tv1.freeviewnz.tv          |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|      2 | 2       | 48     |        1 | TV2               | TV2                        | tv2.freeviewnz.tv          |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|      3 | 3       | 50     |        1 | TV3               | TV3                        | tv3.freeviewnz.tv          |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|      4 | 4       | 50     |        1 | C4                | C4                         | c4.freeviewnz.tv           |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|      5 | 5       | 59     |        1 | MAORI             | Maori Television           | maori-tv.freeviewnz.tv     |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|      6 | 6       | 48     |        1 | TV6               | TVNZ 6                     | tvnz6.freeviewnz.tv        |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|      7 | 7       | 48     |        1 | TV7               | TVNZ 7                     | tvnz7.freeviewnz.tv        |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|      9 | 8       | 50     |        1 | TV3+1             | TV3 PLUS 1                 | tv3-plus1.freeviewnz.tv    |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|     10 | 10      | 59     |        1 | PRIME             | PRIME                      | prime.freeviewnz.tv        |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|     22 | 22      | 59     |        1 | Parliament        | Parliament TV              | parliament.freeviewnz.tv   |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|     50 | 50      | 59     |        1 | National          | Radio New Zealand National | rnz-national.freeviewnz.tv |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|     51 | 51      | 59     |        1 | Concert           | Radio New Zealand Concert  | rnz-concert.freeviewnz.tv  |    NULL | 
>0 |
>|   1242 | 242     | 59     |        1 | Test Channel      | Test Channel               |                            |       3 | 
>1402 |
>|   1245 | 245     | 59     |        1 | Reserved 6KSD     | Reserved 6KSD              |                            |       3 | 
>1405 |
>|   1100 | 100     | 59     |        1 | Freeview | HD     | Freeview | HD              |                            |       3 | 
>1406 |
>|   1030 | 30      | 59     |        1 | tvCentral         | tvCentral                  |                            |       3 | 
>1408 |
>30 rows in set (0.00 sec)
>(Copy and paste into a constant width font will re-align the columns) 

Ouch, that is a bit of a mess and could be the cause of your problems.
There should only be one row in the channel table for each channel.
There are two rows for most.  One of the rows for each channel has the
correct xmltvid and an invalid NULL mplexid, and the other row has the
correct mplexid (and presumably serviceid - it did not show in your
post), but is not associated with the EPG by an xmltvid.  It looks
like you did the tuning twice - mythtv has problems if you do that.  I
had a similar looking channel table to yours after I tuned twice.

You need to merge the two rows for each channel to make one valid one.
Copy the values for xmltvid into the rows that have the correct
mplexid/serviceid, then delete the other row.  Or the opposite way
around, depending on what you want for the chanid.  What I would do
with this is to export the entire channel table to a .sql file, edit
the .sql file in SlickEdit on my Windows box (as SlickEdit understands
SQL), and then drop the channel table and re-create it by importing
the edited SQL file.

For reference, this is what the DVB-T channels in my channel table
look like.  The freqid, mplexid and serviceid are, of course, for here
in Palmerston North (Wharite).

| chanid | channum | freqid | sourceid | callsign          | name                  | xmltvid                         | mplexid | serviceid |
|   1001 | 1       | 48     |        1 | TV ONE            | TV ONE                | tv1.freeviewnz.tv               |       1 |      1200 |
|   1002 | 2       | 48     |        1 | TV2               | TV2                   | tv2.freeviewnz.tv               |       1 |      1201 |
|   1003 | 3       | 50     |        1 | TV3               | TV3                   | tv3.freeviewnz.tv               |       2 |      1300 |
|   1004 | 4       | 50     |        1 | C4                | C4                    | c4.freeviewnz.tv                |       2 |      1301 |
|   1005 | 5       | 59     |        1 | Maori Television  | Maori Television      | maori-tv.freeviewnz.tv          |       3 |      1400 |
|   1006 | 6       | 48     |        1 | TVNZ 6            | TVNZ 6                | tvnz6.freeviewnz.tv             |       1 |      1202 |
|   1007 | 7       | 48     |        1 | TVNZ 7            | TVNZ 7                | tvnz7.freeviewnz.tv             |       1 |      1203 |
|   1008 | 8       | 50     |        1 | TV3 PLUS1         | TV3 PLUS1             | tv3-plus1.freeviewnz.tv         |       2 |      1302 |
|   1010 | 10      | 59     |        1 | PRIME             | PRIME                 | prime.freeviewnz.tv             |       3 |      1404 |
|   1022 | 22      | 59     |        1 | Parliament TV     | Parliament TV         | parliament.freeviewnz.tv        |       3 |      1401 |
|   1028 | 28      | 59     |        1 | ChineseTV         | ChineseTV             | ctv8.freeviewnz.tv              |       3 |      1403 |
|   1050 | 50      | 59     |        1 | Radio NZ National | Radio NZ National     | rnz-national.freeviewnz.tv      |       3 |      2000 |
|   1051 | 51      | 59     |        1 | Radio NZ Concert  | Radio NZ Concert      | rnz-concert.freeviewnz.tv       |       3 |      2001 |
|   1071 | 71      | 59     |        1 | BaseFM            | BaseFM                | base-fm.freeviewnz.tv           |       3 |      2002 |
|   1100 | 100     | 59     |        1 | Freeview | HD     | Freeview | HD         |                                 |       3 |      1406 |
|   1242 | 242     | 59     |        1 | Test Channel      | Test Channel          |                                 |       3 |      1402 |
|   1245 | 245     | 59     |        1 | Reserved 6KSD     | Reserved 6KSD         |                                 |       3 |      1405 |
|   1700 | 700     | 48     |        1 | Zinwell SSU       | Zinwell SSU           |                                 |       1 |      1250 |

Here is the dump_mythtv_table.sh script I use to dump a mythconverg
table to a .sql file:


# Dump a table from the mythconverg database.

source /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
mysqldump -u $DBUserName -p$DBPassword -h $DBHostName $DBName $1

Use it like this:

dump_mythtv_table channel >channel.sql

to export the channel table for editing.  Keep a copy of the original
version of channel.sql in case anything goes wrong and you need the
original version back again.

Here is a script that should then drop and recreate the channel table
from your edited channel.sql file:


# Run MySQL to access the mythconverg database.

source /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt
mysql -u $DBUserName -p$DBPassword -h $DBHostName $DBName <channel.sql

and for reference here is the dumped channel.sql file from my

-- MySQL dump 10.13  Distrib 5.1.37, for debian-linux-gnu (x86_64)
-- Host:    Database: mythconverg
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Server version	5.1.37-1ubuntu5.1

/*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;
/*!40103 SET TIME_ZONE='+00:00' */;

-- Table structure for table `channel`

/*!40101 SET @saved_cs_client     = @@character_set_client */;
/*!40101 SET character_set_client = utf8 */;
CREATE TABLE `channel` (
  `chanid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `channum` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `freqid` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL,
  `sourceid` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `callsign` varchar(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `name` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `icon` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',
  `finetune` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `videofilters` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `xmltvid` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `recpriority` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `contrast` int(11) DEFAULT '32768',
  `brightness` int(11) DEFAULT '32768',
  `colour` int(11) DEFAULT '32768',
  `hue` int(11) DEFAULT '32768',
  `tvformat` varchar(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Default',
  `visible` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
  `outputfilters` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `useonairguide` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
  `mplexid` smallint(6) DEFAULT NULL,
  `serviceid` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
  `tmoffset` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `atsc_major_chan` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `atsc_minor_chan` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `last_record` datetime NOT NULL,
  `default_authority` varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `commmethod` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '-1',
  PRIMARY KEY (`chanid`),
  KEY `channel_src` (`channum`,`sourceid`),
  KEY `sourceid` (`sourceid`,`xmltvid`,`chanid`),
  KEY `visible` (`visible`)
/*!40101 SET character_set_client = @saved_cs_client */;

-- Dumping data for table `channel`

/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `channel` DISABLE KEYS */;
   (1001,'1','48',1,'TV ONE','TV



   (1005,'5','59',1,'Maori Television','Maori
   (1006,'6','48',1,'TVNZ 6','TVNZ
   (1007,'7','48',1,'TVNZ 7','TVNZ
   (1008,'8','50',1,'TV3 PLUS1','TV3

   (1022,'22','59',1,'Parliament TV ','Parliament TV

   (1050,'50','59',1,'Radio NZ National','Radio NZ
   (1051,'51','59',1,'Radio NZ Concert','Radio NZ

   (1100,'100','59',1,'Freeview | HD','Freeview |
   (1242,'242','59',1,'Test Channel','Test
   (1245,'245','59',1,'Reserved 6KSD','Reserved
   (1700,'700','48',1,'Zinwell SSU','Zinwell
/*!40000 ALTER TABLE `channel` ENABLE KEYS */;


-- Dump completed on 2010-02-21 21:07:02

I have edited out all the Sky channels, leaving only the DVB-T ones,
and prettied up the formatting to make it readable.  Your newsreader
will probably wrap the long lines (mine does), so you may need to save
this post as a text file to make it properly readable.

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