[mythtvnz] OT: Recommended wiring scheme and RJ-45 connectors for Lexcom (Cat7) cable

Jean-Yves Avenard jyavenard at gmail.com
Tue Feb 16 05:48:39 GMT 2010

On 16 February 2010 13:55, Matt Poff <matt.poff at headfirst.co.nz> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I installed a bunch of Lexcom Cat7 cable into my house a while back
> when doing some renovations and now want to connect some of it up.
> I've decided against using Lexcom components due to price,
> inflexibility of modules available and lack of info for DIYers. I

Bit of a waste to install Cat7 (and even Cat6) in home ; simply
because to make sure Cat6 or Cat7 is behaving properly (e.g. it can
deliver 600MHz or 800MHz) you need special tools that most people
don't have...

Currently getting my ACMA (Australian Communications and Media
Authority's) open license; you can't even run two Cat6 cable parallel
to each other for more than one metre without getting crosstalk over

So you're better off using cat5e instead ; much cheaper and easier to install

>What wiring scheme should be used?
In Australia/NZ/Europe we use T568A wiring (Standard is AS/NZS 3000:2007)


Remember BlOG (Blue, Orange, Green, Brown)
Pair 1: blue (pin 4-5)
Pair 2: orange (pin 3-6)
Pair 3: Green (1-2)
Pair 4: Brown (7-8)

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