[mythtvnz] The Paradigm Shift

Brett Miller blmiller at slingshot.co.nz
Tue Oct 27 04:26:24 GMT 2009

First must thank all who have made MythTV what it is...BUT let's stir up the 

What watching LiveTV paradigm shift..it's a feature !

Kind of funny how "LiveTV" has become the old paradigm just because it does 
not work properly.

What is the first (top) menu item in MythTV ?
What features are touted (boldly) on MythTV webpage ?

"--  number of users who can't get the "what is live TV
for anyway" paradigm. ie visitors 'expect' to turn the TV on and watch
what's playing now.  "

Spoken like a true software developer that can not / will not debug her/his 
LiveTV should work flawlessly because this should have been debugged 
months/years ago.
The pausing & recording LiveTV should be flawless.
Playback of an active recording using navigation (pause, FF etc) should 

The endless scope creep/ extra feature lists work to defeat this.
Software debugging is the toughest & most tedious part of code development.
It is also the most important after the initial defining documents.


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