[mythtvnz] Sky->smart card reader->MythTV ???

Nick Rout nick.rout at gmail.com
Mon Mar 2 00:35:34 GMT 2009

On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 1:21 PM, David Zanetti <dave2 at wetstring.net> wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-02-28 at 21:19 -0800, Hayden Lovett wrote:
>> This is obviously a very grey area of the law, so why are there people
>> trying to stop the sharing of information about it?
> Because under NZ law providing information on how to breach a TPM is
> itself a crime.

As the list owner (and a lawyer) I have watched this thread develop. I
have now decided to err on the side of caution and ask people to
refrain from discussing how to decrypt SKY transmissions. I know some
will disagree, thats fine, just please respect my request. Its the
same as the rule on the main mythtv users list.

I have my doubls over how the NZ version of the DMCA will pan out and
if it is even applicable to Sky/libdvdcss etc.  In my lawyer hat I
don't have time to research law that is not directly related to my
(paying) cases. In my mythtv hat I don't care for most of what Sky has
to offer, I can't keep up with what I record from freeview, hell I
cannot even keep up with Coro!

I have no doubt people who succeed in making Sky digital work with
mythtv will document it somewhere on the intarweb, but not on this
mailing list please.

Thread closed.

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