[mythtvnz] File System for RAID-5

James Booth james at booths.net.nz
Thu Jun 18 22:22:16 BST 2009

I checked ZFS out, and it looks way cool. Shame that it is a bit of a
non-starter for non-Solaris OS's due to licensing issues. I understand btrfs
will implement much of the same features - I believe someone on this list
has been using btrfs for a while? Any feedback?


From: mythtvnz-bounces at lists.linuxnut.co.nz
[mailto:mythtvnz-bounces at lists.linuxnut.co.nz] On Behalf Of Mark de Reeper
Sent: Wednesday, 17 June 2009 11:58 a.m.
To: MythTV in NZ
Subject: Re: [mythtvnz] File System for RAID-5


This may seem like heresy on a predominantly Linux forum but for anyone
looking at building a stand-alone box to act as at NAS type device you
shouldn't over-look OpenSolaris with ZFS. I have been using ZFS on my home
file server for years (in a simple mirror config) and as the price of disks
have come down I have just been replacing the disks and the space increases
accordingly (no downtime if I had hot-swappable disks). It is so easy to set
up and configure, not need to worry about which filesystem/volume management
combo to use. 

I am in the process of getting into the MythTV space (currently a happy
home-brew TiVo user) to take advantage of Freeview HD TV and would be
looking to run the backend as a virtual machine on my OpenSolaris host
(since MythTV is not supported natively yet). The backend would either write
to NFS or iSCSI shared disks from my ZFS pool. Currently I am sharing files
to my sw modded XBox running XBMC which is what I am looking to upgrade.
Getting a nice platform that can serve as a MythTV Frontend/XBMC combo, but
that is for another thread.


Disclamer, yes I happen work for Sun but I would be using this combo even if
I wasn't :-)

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 2:06 PM, Jim Cheetham <jim at inode.co.nz> wrote:

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 1:54 PM, James Booth<james at booths.net.nz> wrote:
> Thanks Steve, that makes things clear.

Yep, I hadn't thought about adding a new drive by deliberately
degrading the existing RAID sets, a handy trick :-)


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